
Skin Rejuvenation

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All the Hair & Beauty Treatments You Need
Elite iQ™ treatments offer quick, easy and customized laser hair removal using smart technology. You can now permanently reduce unwanted hair with a treatment personalized to your specific skin type!

The Elite iQ device not only offers personalized hair removal treatments, but it can address a wide variety of common skin concerns as well! Treatments are quick, non-surgical and provide great results.
How does Elite iQ work?
The Elite iQ device offers quick, easy and personalized laser hair treatments using smart technology. The Elite iQ device is equipped with the Skintel™ device, the first Health Canada and FDA cleared melanin reader on the market.

The Skintel device is equipped with technology that reads your precise skin type, so we can safely treat all skin types and areas of the body including under arms, legs, bikini area and back – making the Elite iQ device the perfect hair removal solution for men and women.
Is this treatment right for me?
The Elite iQ device can be safely used on all skin types and anywhere on the body including face, back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini area and legs.

Talk with your provider to discuss if you are a candidate for Elite iQ treatments.
How many treatments will I need?
The amount of treatments and treatment times may vary, depending on the size of the area, but typically take less than 30 minutes! Speak to your provider for a consultation to discuss treatment areas and number of treatments required.
When will I see results?
You can expect to see a gradual decrease in hair thickness and the amount of hair in the area treated.* Since hair removal treatments only targets hair in the active phase of growth, multiple treatments are often needed for complete removal. Speak to your provider for a consultation to discuss treatment areas and number of treatments required.
Common treatments for men and women
  • Permanent hair reduction
  • Leg veins
  • Facial wrinkles
  • Razor bumps
  • Facial veins
  • Sun damage
  • Skin Revitalization
  • Psoriasis
Is this treatment safe?
Utilizing Skintel™, the first Health Canada and FDA cleared melanin reader on the market. we can safely treat all skin types and areas of the body including under arms, legs, bikini area and back–making Elite iQ treatments the perfect hair removal solution for men and women.

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