HydraFacial vs. Hydrodermabrasion vs. Microdermabrasion: What is the Difference?

Woman holding object against her face with eyes closed

Did you know that after around age 30, your collagen production starts declining? At 50, you may have only 60% of the collagen production you had in your 20s.

Collagen plays a critical role in a more youthful appearance. You may start noticing more spots, wrinkles, or scarring as you age.

Cosmetic procedures are becoming more popular forms of reversing signs of aging and helping promote healthy and glowing skin. Hydrodermabrasion is one of those techniques, but how does it stack up against Hydrafacial and microdermabrasion?

Luckily, we have put together a complete guide that compares all three, and we’ll dive into which treatment is best for you. Are you still interested? Keep reading for more information!

Hydrafacial® vs Hydrodermabrasion?

You may see the terms Hydrafacial® and hydrodermabrasion used frequently because they mean the same thing.

While Hydrafacial® is the leading equipment brand for estheticians, hydrodermabrasion is the generic name of the actual treatment process. You may see the term “hydradermabrasion” which is also synonymous.

It uses a mechanical wand that helps clean your skin and exfoliate. Attached to it is a vacuum that helps remove any dead cells. After treatment is complete, your qualified clinician uses another attachment that delivers customized serums based on skin type.

The benefit of the serum is to rehydrate and moisturize your skin. While you’ve already read some general benefits of hydrodermabrasion, choosing clinics that use Hydrafacial in Montreal will deliver even more added benefits, such as:

  • Removing blackheads
  • Helping rosacea
  • Decreased hyperpigmentation

It shouldn’t lead to facial redness, but it can irritate rashes and rosacea flare-ups, so avoid scheduling an appointment at that time. Your clinician can recommend how often you should schedule a Hydrafacial treatment, but on average, patients return every two to four weeks.

What Is Hydrodermabrasion?

Have you wondered about non-invasive skin treatment options that can exfoliate, hydrate, and cleanse all at the same time? It uses a diamond tip applicator and liquids to flush dead skin cells and resurface the skin. Hydrodermabrasion is a deep exfoliating skin care treatment that can help:

  • Give a more youthful appearance
  • Reduce fine lines
  • Reduce acne scarring
  • Reduce pore sizes

The benefit of hydrodermabrasion is that it can be used on multiple skin types and tones. It has minimal (if any) side effects and zero downtime.

filleSo – who would benefit from hydrodermabrasion in Montreal? Here are some examples of why patients choose hydrodermabrasion:

  • Deep cleanse
  • Removing dead skin cells
  • Promote collagen production
  • Aging skin treatments

For most patients, the non-invasive procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes. Since it isn’t painful and has no immediate adverse effects, you can carry on with work, errands, or other tasks afterward.

What Do the Studies Show?

Studies have started to look more closely at hydradermabrasion than microdermabrasion and other skin treatment options. They found that infusion facials have increased in popularity at cosmetic offices and are beginning to show positive results. Patients who used hydradermabrasion were compared to those who only used topical antioxidant serums.

Some of the notable differences were in the hydradermabrasion group, which showed improvements with:

  • Epidermal and dermal thickness
  • Antioxidant levels
  • Reduced fine lines
  • Reduced pore sizes
  • Reduced hyperpigmentation

Compared to dermabrasion, it is less abrasive on the skin. It has primarily replaced many dermabrasion techniques since it has higher risks of scarring. Most patients turn to Hydrafacial or microdermabrasion.

What Is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is another non-invasive cosmetic procedure. An applicator is used on the surface of your skin. It sands away dead skin cells and outer layers for a new, more youthful look immediately after treatment.

The applicator uses crystals that resurface outer layers with a vacuum attachment. The vacuum helps remove dead skin cells as it goes, similarly to hydradermabrasion techniques. What are the benefits of microdermabrasion?

  • Reducing fine lines
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles
  • Reducing hyperpigmentation
  • Reducing age spots
  • Reducing blackheads
  • Acne scar removal
  • Improved skin tone
  • Pore reduction

Most experts that use microdermabrasion in Montreal suggest that you start treatment every other week, and as your skin tone improves, you can switch to every four weeks. Treatments last one month, on average. You shouldn’t feel any significant pain with the treatment, but you may notice a pinching or tugging feeling.

After treatment, there are a few side effects to be aware of, including:

  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Minimal swelling

These effects usually only last for just a few hours afterward, and they should not limit your daily activities. Since microdermabrasion does not use hydration or serums, you should ensure you use high-quality moisturizers afterward.

Sunscreen is critical to help prevent sun damage and other skin issues. You may notice increased sensitivity to the sun for up to a few weeks after each treatment. There are a few contraindications to receiving this treatment, such as:


  • Deep scarring
  • Lesions
  • Skin cancer
  • Late-stage acne
  • Rosacea flare-ups
  • Auto-immune disorders

Even those who deal with acne but still qualify for treatment should not use acne-related medication immediately after.


Studies About Microdermabrasion

Under a microscope, your skin will show significant changes after microdermabrasion treatments. The epidermis (your outer skin layer) thickens. It gives a look and feel of plumper and fuller skin.

At the bottom of your epidermis, you have rows of cells. They will start to align in a more consistent pattern that helps maintain skin contouring and smoothness. The dermis (your second skin layer) lies below the epidermis.

Microdermabrasion shows longer effects on this layer of your skin. At the dermis layer, researchers have found changes in:epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer

  • Amount of collagen
  • Better aligned collagen
  • Number of elastin fibers
  • Number of fibroblasts
  • Size of fibroblasts

One study looked at combining microdermabrasion with antioxidant serums. It was a precursor to hydrodermabrasion techniques that would be used later on. Some of the benefits that researchers saw included:

  • Increased skin thickness
  • Increased fibroblast density
  • Increased antioxidant levels

These antioxidant levels were boosted by more than 30% by adding serum. Compared to study participants who only used microdermabrasion without serums, the results were not as significant.

Hydrodermabrasion vs. Microdermabrasion

When looking at types of skin treatments, you may wonder if you should pick hydrodermabrasion or microdermabrasion. The most significant difference is that the latter is not meant for all skin types. Hydrodermabrasion (more specifically, Hydrafacial) is much gentler and doesn’t dry out your skin.

This benefit may make it more appealing to patients or clients. Microdermabrasion is also unsuitable for heavy acne and may irritate those with drier skin. Yet, microdermabrasion can be helpful for oily skin or those wanting a safer treatment compared to older dermabrasion techniques.

While hydrodermabrasion can tackle tougher skin issues such as wrinkles and sun damage, most patients pick microdermabrasion instead. Hydrodermabrasion has fewer side effects and more immediate results.

You’ll see results with microdermabrasion, but it might take longer since most of the long-term effects are targeted at the deeper skin layers. Microdermabrasion will have a greater risk for complications, such as:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Eye irritation
  • Reactivation of viruses
  • Photodamage

Patients with the herpes simplex virus should not get this treatment because of the potential for flare-ups and reactivation. Other contraindications include varicella-zoster virus and impetigo.

Ultimately, both treatments effectively improve appearance, contouring features, and removing imperfections. If you want something more advanced and customizable for your skin type, Hydrafacial is the latest and most advanced technology.

Are Chemical Peels Similar?

With all this talk about contouring skin through abrasion techniques, you may wonder if chemical peels function similarly. Chemical peels and microneedling both help facial surface damage.

Chemical peels use a solution that is evenly applied over the face. The acidic solution is an exfoliant that strips away dead skin cells. Removing dead cells allows for new cells to take their place and helps reduce:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne
  • Uneven texturing

Although this may surprise you, chemical peels are more invasive than other facial treatments and usually cost more. Some of the side effects of chemical peels are:

  • Redness
  • Burning sensation
  • Peeling
  • Minimal swelling

The benefit of chemical peels is that it is long-lasting and can help stimulate collagen growth. Yet, it requires a longer recovery period and may not be suited for everyone because it is more invasive.

Boosting Collagen Production

There are four main types of skin treatments that affect collagen production:

  • Microneedling
  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Hydrodermabrasion

Microneedling provides controlled collagen production. A small, handheld pen with needles is used to create minor damage to the skin surface.

In return, your cells will start producing more collagen in these areas. Along with reducing fine lines and wrinkles, it can also help with stretch marks.

However, it does require a more extended recovery period (up to six weeks) and can take longer if you are using it on your whole face. Ideally, it is meant for spot treatments.

On the contrary, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and hydrodermabrasion target wider areas. Microdermabrasion increases the amount of collagen and helps realign them, but the harsher effects might deter some.

Hydrafacial treatments function similarly to chemical peels on a collagen production level. While chemical peels only strip away outer layers to produce collagen, Hydrafacials include more steps. It also hydrates and cleanses.

Benefits of Collagen Production

collagenYou’ve heard of collagen production, and now you know a few different techniques that boost growth. But what exactly is collagen, and why is it helpful for your skin?

Collagen is a natural protein in the body. It is found in connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, and skin. Even your muscles have collagen in them.

Its role in the skin is that it helps promote elasticity and hydration. As you age, collagen production levels decrease. This is primarily why you start to see sagging skin and less contouring and tightness.

Some people, such as bodybuilders, take collagen supplements. Yet, if you want more localized results for your skin, cosmetic treatments may prove the better option of the two.

What Is Facial Rejuvenation?

Non-invasive and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation treatments have received a brighter spotlight in recent years. Facial rejuvenation procedures can help reduce signs of aging and improve sunspots. The techniques listed above can help you with long-term results that tighten and plump features for a more youthful appearance.

Here are a few other tips and tricks you can do at home to help with facial rejuvenation:

  • Cleanse your face twice a day
  • Moisturize
  • Use SPF daily
  • Avoid high sugary foods
  • Avoid high amounts of salt
  • Include more vitamins into your diet
  • Stop smoking
  • Practice self-care
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Avoid excessive alcohol

Your skin can directly correlate with how you’re feeling. If you are more stressed and anxious throughout your day, you’ll eventually likely start seeing more breakouts, pimples, or blemishes.

Take ten minutes to properly cleanse, moisturize, and hydrate each morning and evening. If you have oily or dry skin, talk to your clinician or dermatologist about the best products for your skin type. Ensure you follow all after-care instructions once you decide on a Hydrafacial or microdermabrasion treatment.

Find Skin Treatment Options Near You

Hydrodermabrasion is a new technique with Hydrafacial in Montreal leading the way in terms of technology, results, and minimal side effects. Hydrafacial can help smooth facial lines, wrinkles, and stimulate collagen production.

It works well with sensitive skin and all skin types. With this seamless treatment, you can be out of the office and back to your daily tasks. At Purlux, we specialize in various skin care treatments.

Our highly skilled clinicians can help ensure that you choose the right treatment for your skin type. What are you waiting for? Contact us today to get started!

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